About project

Dmitrii Zozulia - founder of OutCode

Hi! My name is Dmitry Zozulya. I am the founder of OutCode 👋

How did the idea for the project come about?

For over three years, I\'ve been creating websites on Webflow while also running a Telegram channel "Life of Di" where I write about my life and freelance work, including my experience with Webflow. People often ask me questions on this topic, and the most frequent one is "Where can I find orders?"

One day, while answering this question yet again, I realized that it would be great to create a dedicated space exclusively for nocode and lowcode developers, where all orders in this field would be gathered without the need to subscribe to and constantly monitor dozens of different Telegram channels. Additionally, a platform that would allow specialists to publish their portfolios, share experiences, and gather information on nocode development, all within a convenient, simple, and modern interface.

Another factor in creating OutCode was the departure of many foreign platforms from Russia. As a result, the process of interacting with clients from other countries became significantly more complicated. This also contributed to the idea of creating an international project that would help simplify this interaction. It would allow specialists from Russia and the CIS to more easily enter foreign markets and, using modern technologies, including AI, remove the language barrier that arises when working with foreign clients. The further development of OutCode will be largely focused on this.

What makes OutCode unique?

You might say: "But there are already other freelance marketplaces and online services where you can find orders and specialists."

Yes, that's true, but in the world, and especially in Russia, there are very few specialized platforms dedicated specifically to no-code and low-code development, despite the fact that this field is rapidly evolving and in some areas is already replacing the traditional approach.

Moreover, most freelance platforms have outdated and overloaded interfaces. I wanted to create something simple, convenient, and intuitive for everyone. A site that won't be cluttered with unnecessary content and advertising banners, but will clearly fulfill its purpose. A place where all niche orders and specialists will be gathered, with the ability to easily search by tools and specializations.

What tools are used to create the platform?

Since I am essentially a no-code / low-code developer myself, I built the platform using familiar tools. Specifically, I used Webflow as the frontend, Supabase as the database, and throughout the process, I was kindly assisted by ChatGPT, helping to connect the two.

I chose this stack because I already had some experience working with Webflow. Plus, I was very interested in creating something more than just a beautiful website and demonstrating that with no-code tools, you can build truly functional solutions. So, in a way, OutCode became my "thesis project."

What are the plans for promoting and monetizing the project?

After beta testing, we plan to launch advertising in Telegram channels dedicated to specialized nocode tools such as Webflow, Tilda, WordPress, Bubble, etc. Monetization, however, is not planned until the full functionality of the application, which will be discussed below, is implemented.

What functionality is planned for the future?

One of the main ideas behind creating this platform was the desire to build a service that allows seamless communication between specialists from Russia and the CIS with clients from around the world, and vice versa. Therefore, many of the points listed below are focused precisely on this:

- Selection of specialists with the help of ChatGPT
- Search for project managers who will assist in interactions with foreign clients
- A blog where users can publish their own posts
- "Rooms" for project discussions, where all materials and documents can be stored, and users can communicate in a chat with a built-in real-time translator
- Many minor improvements

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